Visual Design

January 2024

Design is a broad term that can mean many things to many people. I’ve been a graphic designer, website designer, new media designer, UI/UX designer and product designer. I’ve spent most of my professional life dealing in pixels, but I still know my way around CMYK and bleeds should the need arise.

It’s tough to capture the depth of my visual design career in a few screengrabs, but I’ll do my best. I’ve designed for desktop and mobile, B2C and SaaS, design systems in both Figma and Sketch, production as well as direction and everything in-between.

Project Details

My design roots are in graphic design, but I found myself early on designing software tools – HR software for Apple or training tools for Bank of America. It wasn't until years into my profession that I heard the title “product designer”. I've taken bits of my visual design past and combined it with my user experience training to position myself where I am today – a seasoned UX Generalist.

The process

These projects span multiple years and companies so the process varies wildly for each of these. I tried to give some context within each image.


While these represent a pretty diversified set of designs, some of my most recent UI designs were not allowed to be shared by my previous company. I only mention this because the examples shown here are dated 3 years at a minimum .